At the voting for the final third of the chamber according to the quota from the local associations which was held in Rostov-on-Don 17 new members of the chamber were approved.

They were elected by the members of the Don Public Chamber earlier approved by the Governor and the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region. According to new Regional Law No. 1025-ЗС dated March 01, 2017 they are authorized to elect the members of the chamber from the local associations according to the quota.

As the Chairman of the meeting Vyachelav Kushchev noted in his speech: «We have received 39 applications to join the Public Chamber. 11 of them did not meet the requirements of the legislation, particularly they were submitted by the associations other than the local public associations. We had to choose the most dignified persons among the remaining 28 applications and to approve them as the members of the Public Chamber of the Rostov region of the third composition.»

The voting has been held and now the Chamber is authorized to start its full-time work, and the term of its powers is three next years.

Vladimir Kirsanov expressed the gratitude to his colleagues for their vote of confidence, and noted that «it is very important that there is such civil institute like the Public Chamber. It is formed by the people held in high respect on the Don, behind whom there is big life authority and the opinion of the widest range of people. This allows identifying wisely those areas of our live that require special attention, those problems that must be dealt with expeditiously; this allows defending the interests in all spheres and clearing the way to new initiatives that benefit all residents of the Rostov region».